Discover the Transformational Power of Breath:

Heal, Revitalize, and Thrive

Join Breath Discovery Camp to unlock profound healing, rejuvenate your mind and body, and embrace a life of vibrant well-being.

Feeling Overwhelmed by Stress and Past Traumas?

Discover a Holistic Path to Reclaim Your Peace and Well-Being.

Do you often feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or past traumas?

Are you searching for a holistic approach to reclaim your peace and well-being?

Many people carry the weight of emotional and physical burdens, struggling to find a sustainable path to healing and vitality. You’re not alone, and we understand how challenging this journey can be.

You’ve probably tried countless solutions, only to feel more frustrated and stuck, as nothing seems to bring lasting relief....

Constant Fatigue

Are you struggling to find the energy to get through your day?

Chronic fatigue can make every task feel like a mountain to climb. Breathwork can help you restore your energy levels by reducing stress and enhancing your body's natural ability to recharge, leaving you feeling revitalized and ready to take on the world.

Persistent Anxiety

Is anxiety keeping you from enjoying life?

The constant worry and racing thoughts can be exhausting. Through breathwork, you can learn to calm your mind and body, reducing anxiety and bringing a sense of calm and clarity to your everyday life.

Emotional Blockages

Do you feel stuck in negative emotions?

Emotional blockages can prevent you from experiencing joy and contentment. Breathwork helps release these blockages, allowing you to process and integrate your emotions healthily, leading to greater emotional freedom and well-being.

Imagine a practice that not only addresses these issues but transforms your entire approach to well-being.

what if...

you could harness the power of your own breath to heal, energize, and find inner peace?

There's a method designed to do just that!

Provide you with tools to navigate stress, release emotional blockages, and reclaim your vitality. This practice offers a pathway to profound change, guiding you toward a healthier, more balanced life. Ready to discover how? Stay with us as we unveil this life-changing solution.

Breathwork is not just another wellness trend!

It's a transformative practice that connects you deeply with your own body and mind.

Unlike traditional approaches that may focus solely on diet, exercise, or medication, breathwork taps into your innate ability to heal from within.

It’s a holistic method that integrates your breath to reduce stress, enhance emotional clarity, and promote overall health.

Breathwork is accessible, requires no special equipment, and empowers you to take control of your well-being in a profound, lasting way.

Imagine Your Life with Breathwork

Envision starting each day with calm and clarity, effortlessly managing stress and anxiety.

With regular breathwork, you’ll have boundless energy, emotional freedom, and a deep sense of inner peace.

Life’s challenges will be easier to navigate, leading to a balanced, joyful existence where you thrive in every aspect.

How would it feel to truly live this way?

We're excited to introduce

Breath discovery camp

a comprehensive course designed to guide you through the transformative power of Transformational Breath®

This unique program offers practical tools and techniques to help you achieve lasting well-being and inner peace. Join us to unlock a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself.


Relationship With Your Breath

Understanding the basic principles of breathing correctly.

Living In The Flow

An open and connected breathing pattern can help everything in your life flow better.

Emotional Integration

Healing past trauma with integrative breathing.

Breathing & Sound

Working with sound, toning, movement and healing frequencies.

BodyMind Point & Affirmations

Body mapping is used to work with points of tension in the body that restrict the flow of the breath.

Accessing The Spiritual Level

Working with intentions & invocations. The Power in our words.

Fun With Breathing

Six guided breathing exercises to quickly change your state.

Breathing For Practical Applications

Nine breathing techniques to help you in moments of crisis.

Areas Of Integration

How integration can manifest in a session and how to handle it.

Bonus Content

Six bonus guided sessions.

In Breath Discovery Camp, you will learn how to use breathwork to reduce stress, manage anxiety, and improve your overall well-being. The course covers techniques for emotional release, increasing energy levels, and achieving a state of inner peace. You'll also gain practical tools to integrate breathwork into your daily routine, empowering you to live a balanced and vibrant life.

By completing

breath discovery camp

you will achieve profound healing, increased energy, and lasting inner peace, transforming your overall well-being.


Enhances Sleep Quality

Full diaphragmatic breathing promotes relaxation by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to calm your mind and body before bedtime. This can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated each morning.


Improves Digestive Health

Full diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which plays a crucial role in regulating digestion. By practicing this breathing technique, you can improve your gut health, leading to better nutrient absorption and reduced digestive discomfort.


Boosts Immune Function

Practicing full diaphragmatic breathing enhances your body's oxygenation, promoting better circulation and supporting immune function. This can help your body fend off illnesses more effectively and recover faster from physical exertion.


Enhances Cardiovascular Health

Full diaphragmatic breathing helps lower blood pressure and heart rate by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. This contributes to improved cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and enhancing overall heart function.

A Lighter, Happier Life Awaits

Imagine waking up every day with a sense of calm and clarity, effortlessly managing stress, and feeling emotionally balanced. Picture having boundless energy, sleeping deeply every night, and experiencing improved overall health.

Exclusive Bonuses Just for You!

Dr. Judith Kravitz's Book

"Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly" by the creator of Transformational Breath.

Guided Breath Sessions

Six pre-recorded Transformational Breath sessions you can access anytime.

Daily Practice Journal

Track your progress and deepen your practice with our daily journal.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Join breath discovery camp

Unlock the power of Transformational Breath® to live a lighter, happier, and more balanced life!

10-Week Course

Printable Infographics

21 Guided BreathingExercises

Value $497

Value $47

Value $7 each

10-Week Course Value $497

Printable Infographics Value $47

21 Guided Breathing Exercises Value $7 each

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly Value $19

Six Pre-recorded Sessions Value $97 each

Breathwork Journal Value $27

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly

Six Pre-recorded Sessions

Breathwork Journal

Value $19

Value $97 each

Value $27

TOTAL VALUE = $1,319

Today's Price = $497


"This feels utterly extraordinary - I feel as though I am vibrating in every part of my body but especially my chest area, back, shoulders, arms, and solar plexus. It's taking me a while to come back to physical "normalcy." It's as though I am on fire -- but a fire of light."

Winslow Eliot



So much Love so much intention, so much beauty, so much information that leads to greater Elevation! The sessions are just marvelous!!!

WOW!!!!! Super!!! What an amazing TEAM you ARE! So much Love so much intention, so much beauty, so much information that leads to greater Elevation! The sessions are just marvelous!!! Each every one took me on a Journey of Discovery. You sure have the right NAME Breath Discovery Camp! This entire session has set my Heart, Body, Mind, Spirit, and Inter Dimentional Being into deep Peace...The face smiles....the Heart Sings...and the Heavens Gaze upon me with LOVE! Blessings to you All...and To all the participants from all over this Universe! We are ONE BIG Happy Transformational Breath Family! May you Be Blessed and Loved. The Breath is truly the key to the Mystery!



Thank you so much for this experience!!!

This was the best exercise for me that I've ever had to understand my breath and understand slowly allowing it to get more connected, I finally feel like I'm understanding what that means. Thank you so much for this experience!!!

Evelyn Boyd


I feel revitalized, energized, more clear-headed,

Dear Facilitators, While Practicing My Integrated Breath, I feel revitalized, energized, more clear-headed, and Higher In My Emotional Frequency....!

Thank You, for this Offering!

Alan Schonfeld


From Overwhelmed to Calm


From Fatigued to Energized

Imagine shifting from constant stress and anxiety to a state of calm and clarity, allowing you to handle life's challenges with ease.

Transform chronic fatigue into boundless energy, enabling you to pursue your passions and daily activities with vigor.


From Emotionally Blocked to Free


From Restless Nights to Restful Sleep

Release emotional blockages and experience greater emotional freedom, leading to healthier relationships and inner peace.

Improve your sleep quality, waking up refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to embrace each day fully.


From Overwhelmed to Calm

Imagine shifting from constant stress and anxiety to a state of calm and clarity, allowing you to handle life's challenges with ease.


From Fatigued to Energized

Transform chronic fatigue into boundless energy, enabling you to pursue your passions and daily activities with vigor.


From Emotionally Blocked to Free

Release emotional blockages and experience greater emotional freedom, leading to healthier relationships and inner peace.


From Restless Nights to Restful Sleep

Improve your sleep quality, waking up refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to embrace each day fully.

Take the First Step to Transformation

Don't wait to unlock your best self. Enroll in Breath Discovery Camp today and start experiencing the profound benefits of Transformational Breath®. Click here to join now and receive your exclusive bonuses!



Invest in Your Well-Being Today

10-Week Course

Printable Infographics

21 Guided BreathingExercises

Value $497

Value $47

Value $7 each

10-Week Course Value $497

Printable Infographics Value $47

21 Guided Breathing Exercises Value $7 each

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly Value $19

Six Pre-recorded Sessions Value $97 each

Breathwork Journal Value $27

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly

Six Pre-recorded Sessions

Breathwork Journal

Value $19

Value $97 each

Value $27

TOTAL VALUE = $1,319

Today's Price = $497


Dr. Judith Kravitz

Creator of Transformational Breath®

Sharing the Breath and helping people improve their lives is my life mission.

I created this course to make Transformational Breath® accessible and affordable to everyone.

I have been teaching Transformational Breath® for 50 years. We currently teach in 53 countries and 12 different languages.

There are thousands of Certified Transformational Breath Facilitators around the world helping people and changing lives.

However, until recently, the only way to learn how to do it on your own was to attend an event in person. This meant people had to cover the cost of the training and travel and take time away from work.

With Breath Discovery Camp, you can learn at your own pace and start enjoying the benefits of Transformational Breath® immediately
and from the comfort of your own home.



How fast can I expect to see results?

You will start seeing results immediately. Conscious Breathing is an incredibly fast and safe way to regulate your emotions and make you feel better. As you deepen your breathing practice you will also start noticing more permanent changes as you integrate old emotional traumas.feugait nulla facilisi.


Who can benefit from this course?

Anyone looking to reduce stress, manage anxiety, increase energy, and enhance overall health can benefit from this course.


Do I need any prior experience with breathwork?

No prior experience is needed. The course is designed for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.


How is the course content delivered?

The course content is dripped weekly over 10 weeks. After completing the 10 weeks, you will have unlimited access to all materials.


How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

a unique and transformative experience designed to improve your overall well-being

Breath Discovery Camp empowers you to achieve profound healing, reduce stress, boost energy, and find lasting inner peace through the transformative power of breathwork.

Through this course, you’ll learn powerful breathwork techniques that help reduce stress, manage anxiety, boost energy, and enhance emotional clarity. With lifetime access to comprehensive materials, guided sessions, and exclusive bonuses, you’ll have everything you need to embark on a journey toward a balanced and vibrant life.


Start your journey towards lasting health and happiness!

10-Week Course

Printable Infographics

21 Guided BreathingExercises

Value $497

Value $47

Value $7 each

10-Week Course Value $497

Printable Infographics Value $47

21 Guided Breathing Exercises Value $7 each

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly Value $19

Six Pre-recorded Sessions Value $97 each

Breathwork Journal Value $27

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly

Six Pre-recorded Sessions

Breathwork Journal

Value $19

Value $97 each

Value $27

TOTAL VALUE = $1,319

Today's Price = $497